
Prime Labels

Pinfeed And Perforation

Themal Printer Labels


Digital Diecutting

Blue Fox Labels Art Department

SOFTWARE: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe pdf, Adobe Photoshop (for photos), Corel draw, Macromedia Freehand, Quark Express. If possible please do not use anything by Microsoft for design

MEDIA: Optical disks, flash stick. Zipped files, email (under 10 mb), over 10 mb please use a file free file transfer service such as “filedropper”.

MISC: Make sure all Photoshop images are saved in CMYK mode, not RGB, and are at least a minimum of 300 dpi. Embed graphics or you can link them. Please outline all fonts, unless you want us to edit or alter the text in which case please send all open type fonts with the file. Please do not flatten when saving your file. Except for PS files please keep everything vector when possible. Whenever possible please send the native file.

LAYOUT AND DESIGN: we will work with you on label design and have all of the tools to do so. Color proofs are available upon request and is preferred when 4 color process is involved.


2206 Maryann Drive
| Turlock, CA 95380